Scyphocrinites Elegans Silurian Crinoid Fossil From Marocco

Item Description

C. 420 million years ago – Silurian Period

Phylum Echinodermata
Class: Crinoidea
Name of which the family belongs: Scyphocrinitidae

Location: Morocco

Crinoids are also known as sea lilies and feather stars. They possess a large calcite skeleton and most crinoids are attached to the sea bed by a flexible stem, and made up of numerous disc-like plates called columns. Unlike most crinoids, the Scyphocrinites had a lobolith, (a floating sphere) that kept it afloat in water. This floating crinoid hung upside down at the surface while the arms filtered food from the water.

Well preserved example of a Scyphocrinitidae fossil.

Size: Crinoid: H: 146mm x W: 71mm
Matrix: H: 166mm x W: 123mm x D: 10mm




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